Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Investment Banking International

BANKING WORLDS: The thing to learn is to disseminate practical comps.

So if you get your hands on a couple of full (financial statements, calculations, explanations, and final results), auto-learn / reverse and then it spread comps again and again before the summer, you'll be fine.

This task trainee investment bank, which is less difficult than it appears and in a few hours you will distribute as you breathe ... without thinking too much!

Especially if our advice before, followed - print, outside of a 10K and a few 10qs now make them familiar with and you will know how to find / set / read the data you need to create speed dial.

With all that said, if you are finally asked to comps during your internship, please distributed approach the task with caution.

Sense, even if you have spread your hundred compositions in summer, to walk slowly. Triple-check numbers, read the 10k and 10q bazillion times, and the sense to check into the hell out of it!

This last point (check the meaning) is incredibly important, because if you turn with a series of compositions, and I have a quick glance they look wrong (that's without even referencing of financial statements), because they are simply illogical numbers, you see like a Arnold in Kindergarten Cop!

Remember that all investments with the bank's internal functions, your goal is "not think" that will impress your banker with speed like it. Precision speed advantages.

PS Spreading as a quarrel or contest?

Well yes, but the advantage is that you leave a number, the bankers to make important decisions to make - that their important work to some degree.

Often senior bankers use comps to sell customers an idea of ​​how "Company X Hey, look, your debt ratio is very low compared to Fannie Mae, we believe you should do a half-billion dollar problem debts and give us an percent heavier than lead. "Excellent!

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